How much is a Moroccan lamp?

Moroccan Lamps

The price of a Moroccan lamp can vary depending on several factors such as the material, size, complexity of design, and where it is purchased. Some Moroccan lamps can be relatively inexpensive and range between $20 to $50, while others can be more expensive, ranging from $100 to $400 or more. High-end, large or custom-made Moroccan lamps can even cost several thousands of dollars.

Moroccan Lamps

A simple brass or iron lantern may be less expensive, while a glass mosaic or ceramic lamp with intricate designs could be more costly. Additionally, the location of the store can affect the price; buying a lamp directly from the Moroccan artisan who made it will likely be cheaper than purchasing it from a store or an import company. Therefore, I would recommend checking different stores and websites, and compare prices and designs, as well as quality and authenticity of the Moroccan lamp you are interested in buying.

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